How to Keep Your Clients Long Term

While it’s important to focus your energy on generating new business, it’s also important to keep your existing clients long-term. But how do you do it?

One way is to keep in regular touch with them. Keep communicating with them in some way so you stay on their radar.

Connecting with clients on social media and regularly interacting with them there is a great way to stay in touch.

You can also send an email now and then, even if it’s not totally necessary, just to keep the lines of communication open.

You might want to ask occasionally if they have any feedback for you on your work. There might be something they want or aren’t satisfied with that they’re not telling you.

When you first started working with a client, they were impressed with your services. Sometimes, it’s good to do something nice for regular clients to keep them feeling that way.

We call this the “wow” factor. “Wow” means exceeding expectations and delighting people.

Occasionally throwing a freebie or some extra help a client’s way is a good way to create this feeling of delight.

Through your regular communication, you can also keep abreast of what’s new in their business. Follow them online and ask them occasionally about what’s new.

You might discover a new area of their business you can help with. You also might discover a big change that will affect your relationship with them, and you can prepare for it.

Offering educational opportunities is another great way to keep in touch with past clients. Offer webinars and other events where you can share your expertise and offer this to ongoing as well as new clients.

Staying in contact with clients is essential to keeping them long-term. Make sure you’re regularly in touch.

Darren Slaughter is the founder and president of, a digital agency focusing on website design, social media management, and content creation for home improvement contractors.